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white cat lying in front of a window
white cat lying in front of a window

How Senvelgo® works

Revolutionising the treatment of feline diabetes

Senvelgo®: SGLT-2 inhibition in the nephron

  • Highly selective: targets SGLT-2 with only minor effect on SGLT-1
  • Inhibits most reabsorption of glucose
  • Promotes excretion of excess glucose in the urine
  • Controls hyperglycaemia by bringing blood glucose into the target range1,2
  • Reduces glucose toxicity
  • Controls clinical signs of feline diabetes
  • Minor inhibition of SGLT-1 allows reabsorption of sufficient glucose, reducing the risk of clinical hypoglycaemia
SGLT - 2 inhibition diagram


“This is the development in diabetes management we have been waiting many years for; a practical oral therapy to treat this challenging disease.”

Samantha Taylor


RCVS Recognised Specialist in Feline Medicine

Glycaemic control can be achieved within a week1,2

Blood glucose is usually brought into the target range within 7 days of starting Senvelgo®:1,2

  • 60-day field study
  • Included both newly diagnosed and insulin pretreated cats
  • Randomised to receive once daily Senvelgo® or twice daily insulin
  • Clinical control and quality of life improved in both groups
glycaemic control graph


Sustained Efficacy

Serum fructosamine was controlled for the full study duration in a large field trial:10

  • 6 month field study
  • 252 owned diabetic cats
  • 214 newly diagnosed and 38 insulin pretreated cats
sustained efficacy graph


cat with it's human, playing with a ball
cat with it's human, playing with a ball

Tested extensively, proven repeatedly1,10,11

Senvelgo® delivers glycaemic control and peace of mind

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    Efficacy and safety evaluated in studies featuring over 300 insulin-naive and insulin-treated cats 1,10,11

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    Senvelgo® is brought to you by the makers of ProZinc®, a proven and trusted insulin solution for diabetic pets

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    Senvelgo® is supported by Boehringer Ingelheim’s technical services team, which is highly experienced in diabetes management

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    Cats that received Senvelgo® during studies experienced no episodes of symptomatic hypoglycaemia

By just day 30:
67% of owners reported very good or excellent quality of life in their cats12
87% cats reported as having good, very good or excellent overall diabetic control by their vets12

  • 1. Niessen, S. J. M. et al. (2022) Once daily oral therapy for feline diabetes mellitus: evaluation of SGLT-2 inhibitor velagliflozin as stand-alone therapy compared to insulin injection therapy in diabetic cats. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine 36, 2512–2513.

  • 2. Sparkes, A. H. et al. (2015) ISFM Consensus Guidelines on the Practical Management of Diabetes Mellitus in Cats. J Feline Med Surg 17, 235–50.

  • 3. McCann, T., et al. (2007) Feline diabetes mellitus in the UK: the prevalence within an insured cat population and a questionnaire-based putative risk factor analysis. J Feline Med Surg 9, 289–9.

  • 4. O’Neill, D., et al. (2016) Epidemiology of Diabetes Mellitus among 193,435 Cats Attending Primary-Care Veterinary Practices in England. J Vet Intern Med 30, 964–72.

  • 5. Rand J, Gottlieb, SA. Feline diabetes mellitus. Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 8th edition. Ettinger SJ, Feldman EC and Cote E, eds. Elsevier, Missouri. 2017;1781-1795.

  • 6. 2018 Summary of the Veterinary Clinic: Pet Obesity Prevalence Survey & Pet Owner: Weight Management, Nutrition, and Pet Food Survey. Available at:

  • 7. Niessen, S. J. M. et al. (2017) The Big Pet Diabetes Survey: Perceived Frequency and Triggers for Euthanasia. Vet Sci 4, 27.

  • 8. Diabetes in Cats: Quantitative market research study. Proprietary presentation, July 19, 2021. Kynetec; St. Louis, MO, on behalf of Boehringer Ingelheim.

  • 9. Niessen, S. J. M. et al. (2010) Evaluation of a quaility-of-life tool for cats with diabetes mellitus. J Vet Intern Med 24, 1098-105.

  • 10. Behrend, E. N. et al. (2023) Velagliflozin, an SGLT2 Inhibitor, as a once-daily, oral solution, stand-alone therapy for feline diabetes mellitus. Oral abstract presentation, 2023 ACVIM Forum, Pennsylvania, Jun 15-17.

  • 11. Niessen, S. J. M. et al. (2023) Efficacy and safety of once daily oral sodium-glucose co-transporter-2-inhibitor velagliflozin compared to twice daily insulin injection therapy in diabetic cats. Oral abstract presentation, 2023 ECVIM-CA Forum, Barcelona, Sept 21-23.

  • 12. VMD. Summary of Product Characteristics (SPC): Senvelgo® 15mg/ml oral solution for cats (velagliflozin). Veterinary Medicines Directorate, UK.

  • 13. CM Research (2022) Small animal vets UK April 2022. Syndicated Sales Rep Survey.

Welcome to the Senvelgo® vet website

Senvelgo® is a prescription only medicine. This website is only intended for Ireland and Northern Ireland residents who are veterinary professionals over the age of 18 and employed by or working in vet practices in Ireland and Northern Ireland.

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